Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Reel And Artist Statement

Gabrielle's Director/ Cinematographer Reel

Artist Statement

As a documentary filmmaker I want to bring social and even more so, cultural, aspects of life around the world to the forefront. Understanding a person’s culture is what helps you to understand that person better. I used to believe that I knew all about my own culture as a black American, but really I only knew the surface. Once I started to purposefully look deeper, so many new and unknown qualities that characterize black America appeared, and let me tell you, it looks nothing like mainstream media. What I love to see is the reality in film, fiction or documentary. Factors like art and music should enhance what is already there, not cover it up. I am tired of seeing mainstream media showing black people as being only one or two ways, instead of the many varied ways that are a part of everyone cultural and racial group.

I am inspired by Dwight Cammeron, as my teacher and as a seasoned fellow black documentarian, as well as all of the black filmmakers in the world who are known and not known, yet know their purpose and their role in uniting the world and exposing its virtues and vices. I hope we all keep moving forward until our voices are heard. I am also inspired by black American culture specifically, but all cultures overall. Thinking back on the history of black people in America, how can I not feel pride, sorrow, joy, pain, love, and despair, all at the same time? And even though I feel all of these things, I rightfully claim it as a part of me.

I want to educate people with my documentaries and fiction films. I hope that every one who watches a film I’ve made will learn something they did not know before, whether it be about a social issue that was unknown, a cultural aspect that helps explain why a certain group of people do what they do, or the story behind a community or problem. I believe that I should contribute my perspectives, interactions, and beliefs, if for no other reason but to help my country and the world learn a little more about a place, person, thing, or event.

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